

Monday, 3 September 2012

Marada jothe / Baagina

When we offer prayers to Devis, it is customary to offer Baagina/Marada jothe to Sumangalis.
Below is the list of things to be included in Marada jothe for Swarna Gowri Vratha:
1.       Rice (250gms)

2.       Thogari bele (1/2 or ¼ cup)

3.       Kadle bele (1/2 or ¼ cup)

4.       Hesaru bele(1/2 or ¼ cup)

5.       Uddina bele(1/2 or ¼ cup)

6.       Godhi or rave(1/2 or ¼ cup)

7.       Uppu (2-3 Tspsns)

8.       Bella (1 Achu)

9.       Arishina, Kumkuma, Chandra
        (1 packet or small box of each of the above)

10.   Bangles (4 or more)

11.   Bichole (2)

12.   Karimani (1 bunch)

13.   Bachanige/comb – 1

14.   Kannadi/Mirror – 1

15.   Kappina dabbi – Kajal – 1

Beetal leaves(ele), Beetal nut(adike), Dakshine, Thenginakaayi, Blouse piece to be kept along with the Mara.
These days, mostly out side India, since it is difficult to get Marada baagina, we use plastic boxes to keep all of the above. 5 Sets of the same is arranged. This is kept on a wooden plank which is placed over a small rangoli. Normally, it is advised not to keep on the floor directly.


  1. Any idea for decorating the morada jothe

  2. Very nicely explained. Thank you and God Bless you for your hard work.
